By Nina Lemtir
People often ask me how I stay on top of my fitness plans, family, business Etc and I always say planning is key.
Take action
Have a plan
Stay motivated
Keep organised.
Follow the above, and you will boost your lifestyle. I’ll share some of my hacks that have helped me immensely.
Avoid snacking with nature’s gifts.
To run at optimal energy without
constantly feeling like you need a sugar fix or caffeine fix. I drink aloe vera gel early in the morning to lay the correct gut support for the day. This optimises my nutrition and food absorption for the rest of the day.
I also take bee pollen and garcinia. Both are completely natural (nature has everything for us). The natural
protein and a boost of over 100 vitamins, minerals, and trace elements keep my energy high without having to take processed sugar or caffeine. I also take it throughout the day when I have my energy dips. It also helps to regulate my blood sugar levels. This has been a lifesaver for me because I struggled with energy and weight for a long time!
Get enough sleep and relaxation.
Our mood and sleep are inextricably linked. Aim to go to bed at the same time each evening and try to be
technology-free at least 2 hours before bedtime. If that’s impossible for you, try to make it an hour.
The blue light from mobile devices has been shown to impact the quality of sleep. If you are one of the majority, who use a phone as your alarm, ensure notifications are switched off. iPhones, for example, have a Night Shift setting that subdues brightness.
Try not to eat too late into the evening.
Optimally your last meal should be at least 3 hours before bedtime. It also makes sense to not be stimulated by caffeine and alcohol in the evening, and a night-time routine can ease you into a better night’s sleep; a warm bath, relaxing music and reading are all activities that allow your body to wind down and make a good night’s sleep more likely. I take a herbal formula of Royal Jelly and Herbal Tea. It literally helps me sleep like a baby.
Food equals mood
Support your body with nutritious foods and hydration. Too much food or processed foods will not support your mood or your energy levels. Indulgence is acceptable as long as it isn’t every day. Save those treats for the weekend or when you can have a more relaxed start on your days off. Instead of reaching for that sweet snack in the afternoon, take 5 minutes to focus on your breathing; it’s amazing how shallowly we breathe when we are busy. Just a few rounds of slower, longer breaths stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, making us feel
calmer and more relaxed.
Manage your diary
I use a time blocking system in my physical diary, where you colour cod activities and prioritise. Block out time to spend with your family without your phone. Also, learn to say ‘no’ and perhaps set some rules about how many social activities you will accept during the course of a week and weekend. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when rushing from one thing to another, even if it’s for pleasant social encounters.
It can rob us of being in the moment and genuinely appreciating the here and now as we get consumed mentally by what’s next. This is within our control; we just need to exercise it. By doing less, we achieve more, and the people we are with also benefit as we are more present and at our best when we are not running on empty.
So, have you been intrigued by the
sudden rise in popularity of Botox and face fillers? I have been fascinated, but I hate needles. That’s why I’m so glad we now have a non-invasive filler that smoothens out fine lines and wrinkles!
The reviews cover all age categories, and they are absolutely raving!
I have been trialling this new collagen for two weeks now, and I’m not only impressed with the firmness of my skin, but I have noticed my knees feel so much more comfortable after a workout.
This is because collagen is proven to smooth wrinkles and boost elasticity in the skin. It also supports cartilage repair and is a natural anti-inflammatory effect. I can now lift weights at the gym without having significant aches and pains.
Look after your gut
It’s becoming increasingly accepted and understood that the gut and brain are inextricably linked; hence, we call the gut our second brain. There is bi-directional communication between the gut and the brain, and an imbalance in our gut bacteria impacts our mood. It’s also where 70% of your immune system is housed, so it deserves our attention and care.
Get active
We became a nation of walkers during the lockdowns – let’s hang on to that good habit. Being outside and moving around is a natural mood booster, plus it’s free and accessible to us all. As Laurette Mortimer so beautifully said, “Walking brings me back to myself”. I love the gym as I have a personal goal of toning up and
building my strength, but walking is excellent, and I often walk my daughter to school.
For more information on working with me or the products I use or joining a community of holistic wellness
women, please connect with me.
IG: @nina_lemtir