Letter From The Editor

“Learn to listen to your inner voice, that is where you will find your innate power”

Hey Moguls,

Welcome to issue 13 of Mogul Magazine. The last 12 months have been a rollercoaster. Filled with ups downs, and many lessons. I wouldn’t want it any other way as I believe you grow through what you go through.

Blue Story

Rapman became a household name after the release of his urban cult classic Shiro’s Story. The production was touching, dramatic and relatable. The mini-series caught the attention of top executives in the US, securing the UK artist a lucrative deal with Roc Nation. His first release under Roc Nation was his urban movie Blue Story. The movie was released on the 22nd of November 2019, but not without a little controversy.

Avoid A Burnout?

You’ve been working all year, checking off your to-do lists, creating new ideas and developing your plans. Not to mention looking after your home and children (if any), taking care of your health, making time to socialise. It feels like we have to be superhuman in order to get everything done. It’s easy for us to go into autopilot mode and just work, work but we must avoid putting to much wear and tear on our bodies. Here we have a few tips on how our aspirational moguls can avoid a burnout.

Superheroes Of Science!

Throughout history, women have made tremendous contributions to science helping to advance technology forward. Here we have listed a few of our heroes who pushed the envelope, breaking glass ceilings.

Who Said Christmas Jumpers Had To Be Cheesy?

“Who said that?” – in my Porsha Voice!

We picked some of our favourite banter-inspired and stylish Christmas jumpers that will have you being the coolest person around the dining table this year.

Issue.13 also features Mogul health, Our Favourite Music Releases, Unlimited Beliefs, SETsquared – Back Her Business, Harriet Review, Satisfy Your Afro Curiosity, plus more.

We are currently looking for more writers and contributors to join our team. If you are interested in finding out more please email – info@mogulmagazine.co.uk we would love to hear from you. Stunning cover model & image courtesy of Marcelo Dias.


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