With Summer quickly coming to an end, we can now get ready for chilled autumn. That’s right ladies I don’t want to see another neon colour at least until next Spring. Its easy for us to want to stand out and be the baddest in the room, this can often push us to opt for styles that force us out of our comfort zones…now there is nothing wrong with that, but with Autumn being just weeks away we can now go back to being ladylike and conservative.
Here are 3 beauty tips that will keep you fly right up until Christmas. You know that magical time every year when we all start raiding shop shelves for heels, gowns, glitter and anything that sparkles.
Smokey eyes have a way of bringing drama and mystery to your look. Try using dark browns and copper shades, it will give your smokey eyes a more elegant feel. You can go further out the box and add a splash of soft red/pink to the outline. Add some quality lashes for the added pizazz and you are good to go.
Red lips have long been a favourite for women and its no surprise, there is just something about having a perfectly painted pout that adds a cherry on top of any look. If you have overdone red lips opt for a deep cherry colour instead.
The sexy gold shimmer is always a winner in my books. Spruce up your Autumn slay by using light gold shades to brighten up your eyes. It will give you an extra sparkle every time you blink your lashes.