‘Personal Torture’: LUNA Set To Unveil Her Most Perceptive Single Yet

Theatrical, alluring, unique…these are simply a few words that spring to mind when describing LUNA, the Poland-based force of nature that’s forging a prominent impression on the electro-pop world. Breakthrough single ‘Wild West’ proves she’s hurtling towards stardom, and she’s not shying away from accelerating further with her upcoming release, ‘Personal Torture.’ 

Releasing on November 22nd, ‘Personal Torture’ is poised to stand produly amonst LUNA’s most perceptive work, navigating themes of personal struggle, inner mental conflict and unwavering dreams. Her ambitions aligne perfectly with the track, which is infectiously catchy and mesmerising in equal measure.

Get ready to face the music with ‘Personal Torture’, a reflective anthem infused with danceable rhythms and thought-provoking wonder.


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