Beyoncé Unleashes New ‘Renaissance’ Film Trailer Ahead of Theatrical Run !

Beyoncé takes her  fans backstage and on the road in the latest trailer for her upcoming Renaissance concert film, documenting her acclaimed world tour.

In this world that is very male-dominated, I’ve had to be very tough to balance motherhood and being on the stage Beyoncé says in the latest trailer, which showcases its behind-the-scenes footage in addition to its front-row concert video.
And it just reminds me of who I really am.

Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé “accentuates the journey of Renaissance World Tour, from its inception, to the opening in Stockholm, Sweden, to the finale in Kansas City, Missouri the film’s synopsis states. It is about Beyoncé’s intention, hard work, involvement in every aspect of the production, her creative mind and purpose to create her legacy, and master her craft. Received with extraordinary acclaim, Beyoncé’s Renaissance World Tour created a sanctuary for freedom, and shared joy, for more than 2.7 million fans.

Beyoncé first announced the concert film just hours after performing the final show of the Renaissance world tour in Kansas City in early October; the singer then unveiled the first official trailer for the documentary concert film, scheduled to arrive in theaters in December. The new trailer does not reveal its release date.

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